Hyperpigmentation happens. Here’s how you can treat the dark spots you have and prevent new ones from appearing.

What causes acne? What can you expect to experience if you have it? Here, we talk all things acne, including what you can do to help it clear up.

Hyaluronic Acid
This ingredient is so common in skincare today. But if you’re thinking it’s just a trend, read on to find out hyaluronic acid is a hydration heavy hitter.

The Tea on Yerba Mate
Sure, it’s a famous ingredient for a traditional herbal drink from South America. Here’s why it’s making a name for itself in skincare, too.

Get a Lock on Combination Skin
If your skin is dry and oily—depending on the area of your face, the season of the year or fluctuations in your biochemistry—combination is your skin type. But caring for it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Here’s the breakdown.